Helping Vulnerable Communities

During this crisis, SPCA Wake has been working to pinpoint the most urgent needs of our community and align the resources to assist.
Since late March, SPCA Wake has increased monthly pet food assistance programs by more than 400% to meet the emergency needs of our community's most vulnerable populations of people and pets.
We have forged two new partnerships with Meals on Wheels (MoW) of Wake County and the Food Bank. Right now, many of our neighbors are at risk of food insecurity due to lack of resources. For at-risk individuals and families who count pets as family members, food insecurity extends to their pets as well.
Food Trays Laying on the Floor
We were told that MoW volunteers kept finding the empty meal food trays on kitchen floors or back porches because their clients had put their own food out to share with their pets.
That's when they knew for sure that the participants' pets are so important to them they'd do anything to avoid having to give them up, even if it meant going hungry themselves. Many MoW clients are seniors and live alone; their pets are their whole family and the only company they have.
With this information, backed by your support, we jumped into this new relationship without a second thought.

Additional Pet Food Assistance
Our AniMeals program has been providing pet food and supplies to low-income, homebound seniors since 2011. In 2019, 66 pets benefited from the program.
In addition, 22 area rescue groups received bulk pet food and supplies to distribute last year.
In short, your impact reaches far beyond homeless pets. Your support changes the lives of our vulnerable neighbors. We are beyond grateful for all you do to make this happen.