June is Pet Preparedness Month

Be Prepared, Not Panicked

We love our pets and want to give them the best care possible. It’s important to remember proper pet care isn’t just about providing food, water, and toys. It’s about planning ahead so your pet(s) will be safe if something unexpected happens.

June is Pet Preparedness Month. If you don’t have a plan, maybe it’s because you don’t know where to start. We’ve put together a condensed version of the info you need to have and also supplied links to additional resources for more details.

Build a Kit

Keep a few essentials in a plastic bin in the house, so if you don’t get much notice, you can simply load the bin and your pet into the car and get out. Here are a few suggestions for what to keep in your pet’s bin.

  • 3 days of food and water and bowls
  • Leash and collar or pet carrier
  • Pet first aid kit
  • Poop bags or litter box/litter
  • Pet bed/blankets
  • Copy of pet’s rabies certificate and microchip number (be sure to keep info updated)
  • Contact info for a trusted family member or friend

Know Where to Go

You may not get much notice of an evacuation, so try to plan ahead. If there’s a known evacuation route in your area, determine some pet-friendly hotels along the route. Be sure to check for weight/breed restrictions.

Have a Backup Plan

What if you’re away from the house when something happens? Talk to a friend or neighbor (preferably one who already adores your pet) to see if they’d be willing to take your pet in the event of an emergency when you can’t get back to the house. Be sure to tell them the location of your pet’s emergency kit.

Take a Selfie

No really! If you and your pet are separated, you’ll be glad you have it as proof of ownership! Plus, it gives you an excuse to cuddle your pet for a moment right now.


Go Pet Friendly - a website to help you find pet-friendly hotels and more

Ready.gov - Would you believe the Department of Homeland Security has a whole page devoted to helping pet owners prepare?