SPCA of Wake County partners with HSUS to take in dozens of homeless pets from Puerto Rico
WHO: The Humane Society of the United States and the SPCA of Wake County are partnering to bring more than 100 homeless pets from Puerto Rico to safety in North Carolina. The SPCA of Wake County will be able to take approximately 40 dogs from this transport.
Other groups receiving animals will be the Humane Society of Charlotte, Pawfect Match Rescue, Saving Grace and Safe Haven for Cats.
WHAT: Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico and families are left homeless and separated from their pets. In an effort to help reunite families with their pets, the HSUS is transporting animals who were already up for adoption before the storm hit, out of Puerto Rico to shelters in the mainland United States. This work is making room for Hurricane Maria’s canine and feline victims in an effort to reunite them with their families. “Our number-one priority is keeping pets with their owners and returning them,” explains Kim Alboum with the Humane Society of the United States.
“These families are hurting and in need,” added President and CEO of the SPCA of Wake County Kim Janzen. “By opening our doors here at the SPCA, we can take some of the strain off the already-stretched-thin resources in Puerto Rico.”
The HSUS has secured health certificates for the animals showing that a veterinarian has evaluated each animal and cleared him/her for travel. The trip is generously funded by the Humane Society of the United States and the plane transporting the dogs will be flown by Wings of Rescue.
WHEN: The plane was originally expected to land Thursday evening around 6p.m. Due to a delay on the ground in Puerto Rico, the estimated arrival time is now between 8-9p.m.
- Donate: We can't answer these calls without the resources to care for these animals. Donating to the SPCA ensures your money will help the animals we take in today and also allow us to say "yes" to future emergency response needs.
- Foster: We need to move almost all of our dogs currently at our Holding Center into foster homes TODAY (October 5, 2017) to make space for the animals coming from Puerto Rico. Foster times will range from a few days, to maybe a week. Let us know what you are able/willing to take, and we’ll match you the best we can. Remember, we cannot guarantee the health or temperament of any fosters, but we will do our best to match you with a foster who will be a good fit. CONTACT: Jeff via email at jatkinson@spcawake.org or call 919-772-3203.
- Adopt: When you adopt an animal from the SPCA, you save two lives! The animal you bring home and the animal waiting in line to take his or her place on the adoption floor! If you have been considering adding a family member to your pack, come visit us to meet our current animals for adoption.
Interested in Adopting?
We will not know what types of dogs we will have until they arrive. Our staff will spend the next few days evaluating each animal and some could be up for adoption as soon as next week. As dogs become available, they will be listed on our website, which is updated hourly.
You can come to the Adoption Center to go through the adoption process before the dogs are available, but there is no "wish list." Read more about our Adoption Process.
You can come to the Adoption Center to go through the adoption process before the dogs are available, but there is no "wish list." Read more about our Adoption Process.
Stay up to date:
Follow us on Facebook as we share the arrival of these dogs and the journey to forever homes through the SPCA.
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Photos of ongoing efforts in Puerto Rico provided by the Humane Society of the United States.