Today, I saw a rabbit happily munching away on some leafy greens. He had a bowl of fresh water, a pile of hay, and a clean litter box all within easy reach. This is not an unusual sight at SPCA Wake, but the scene was especially beautiful because four weeks ago, no one was sure that this particular rabbit would survive.
Krum was abandoned in Fuquay Varina in the summer of 2019. By the time an SPCA Wake foster and Triangle Rabbits volunteer was able to catch the rabbit, he had been running loose for more than 6 months.
When he was caught, Krum had no fur on his ears or neck. He had severe crusting in his ears and over his neck, shoulders, and face. SPCA staff veterinarian suspected a severe mite infestation. A head tilt suggested his middle/inner ear was affected. Krum was in bad shape, but we sent Krum offsite to see if he might respond to treatment, knowing euthanasia could end up being the most humane option.
The veterinarian sedated Krum and cleared away some of the crust and debris. She hoped that once a few layers were removed, ear medication would be more effective. To everyoneβs delight, the next morning, Krum was doing well. He still looked a little rough, but he was hungry and friendly. He was prescribed pain medications in addition to antibiotics and sent back to SPCA Wake.
Over the next couple of weeks, staff made sure Krum got his medications. He went for rechecks with the offsite veterinarian. By the end of February, new tufts of fur could be seen on his ears.
Krum has a short layer of fur over his ears and shoulders. There is still a small spot on the back of his neck where the hair may never grow back, but only time will tell. In a few days, Krum will be neutered. After his recovery, he will be ready to find the loving home he deserves.
We say it all the time: your support saves lives. We are not exaggerating.
Here are some photos of Krum during and after treatment.