As we usher in 2018, we are excited to share this numerical look back at 2017!
You helped 11,594 dogs, cats, and bunnies in 2017.
3,443 animals were rescued or rehomed!

5,338 animals were spayed/neutered through the SPCA's Saving Lives Spay/Neuter Clinic.
693 pets were fixed through the SPCA spay/neuter voucher program.
Our volunteers contributed more than 49,909 hours of service, which is the equivalent of 24 full-time staff members.
On top of all that, 86 lost pets were returned to their owners last year, thanks to the efforts of a single volunteer. These were animals that she matched looking at online postings of lost and found pets, helping keep these animals from having to enter the shelter system. Of the animals the SPCA of Wake County took in, 44 were returned to their owners.
Our Animal Behavior Specialist was able to work with families through individual consultations to keep pets in their homes with 2,003 pet behavior interventions.
We were able to serve at least 31 pets through our Animeals Program which delivered pet food regularly to 20 low-income, homebound senior citizens.
Click hear to see our official 2017 Impact Report. We couldn't do this without your support!
Here are some of our most memorable rescue stories of 2017.
(1) Three puppies received much-needed medical attention for open wounds on their backs. They were excellent patients and were soon ready for adoption. They may always have physical scars, but now they know what it’s like to have a loving home.
(2) The SPCA was able to partner with several organizations to help bring animals out of harm's way after the devastation brought by Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria. In October, the SPCA took in thirty-nine dogs who were already up for adoption in Puerto Rico. The SPCA later took in 18 dogs from St. Croix. By bringing those dogs to North Carolina, those shelters have more space to house pets that were displaced by the hurricane and are waiting to be reunited with their owners. Read more about the evening they arrived. An animal shelter in Florida reached out for some help for their rabbits. The shelter had no power and transport was arranged to bring rabbits to shelters that could help. Six rabbits came to the SPCA and all have been adopted.
(3) Lil’ Possum and her siblings were saved from intense summer heat and a flea infestation. The SPCA has been working with the owners of a local horse farm to help a large number of feral cats. These kittens were found hiding under a hay bale and rushed to the SPCA where they received baths, vaccines, cuddles and ultimately forever homes.
(4) Dorothy, Rose, and Blanche were abandoned in a parking lot and were transferred to the SPCA. When staff saw just how bonded these senior felines were, they knew it wouldn’t be fair to split them up. It took a few months of waiting, but the Golden Girls found a kind soul who welcomed all three of them into her home.
(5) When Sabina arrived at the SPCA, she was emaciated. Some nutritious food and some TLC was all it took to have Sabina feeling better. She gained almost 20 pounds in two months and is now ready to find a home of her own.
Your support makes this life-saving work possible.
(2) SPCA takes in animals affected by Hurricanes Irma and Maria
(3) Lil' Possum and litter mates saved from summer heat
(4) The Golden Girls
(5) Sabina Before & After