4th of July Pet Safety

SPCA Wake Urges Pet Owners to Keep Pets Inside this July 4th

More pets get lost on Independence Day than any other day of the year. Please use these resources to save the lives of pets that may go missing this 4th of July.

Click the button above and select "Lost Pet" or "Stray or Found Pet" from the dropdown menu for resources and what to do in the first 24/48 hours. 

Keep your pets safe and inside this holiday weekend! 

With Independence Day nearing, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Wake County (SPCA Wake) is urging pet owners to prioritize pet safety when planning Fourth of July celebrations.

Each year, loud fireworks displays and holiday festivities result in massive numbers of lost pets and frantic owners. Like clockwork, July 5th is one of the busiest days for animal shelters due to the sudden influx of pets who escaped the day before.

The booming fireworks can be incredibly frightening for pets, causing many to panic or experience severe anxiety. Even pets who would not usually try to escape may run away and become lost or injured.

The best way to ensure your pet’s safety this Independence Day is to keep them indoors whenever fireworks are likely. By keeping pets inside, you can prevent them from being permanently lost, hit by a car, or taken to an area shelter that is already faced with overcrowding. Your pet (and shelter staff) will thank you for it.

Here are the top 7 things to make this holiday easier on your furry family member.

  • 1) Be aware fireworks may go off in the days and evenings leading up to July 4th.
  • 2) Pets don’t appreciate colorful fireworks displays like we do. Instead, let your pet skip the fireworks show and stay indoors at home to enjoy the air conditioning.
  • 3) Ensure your pet is wearing an ID tag, and check that your pet’s microchip is up-to-date with your correct address and phone number so you can be reunited quickly should they get loose.
  • 4) If your pet suffers from anxiety, consult with your veterinarian about medications to minimize stress during the holiday festivities. 
  • 5) Turn on the radio, television, or music to block out some fireworks noise.
  • 6) Give your pet a tasty treat, like a frozen Kong stuffed with peanut butter, to keep their mind occupied and distracted from the sounds.
  • 7) If you are having guests over, keep your pets in a secure location, and make sure guests know to keep doors closed to prevent escape.