Super Saturday: How We Saved Eight Cats and a Possum in Three Hours
Summer is often a time of year when we see fewer donations. Families are busy planning vacations and activities for the kids. No one told the pets about this trend and they don’t slow down just because the donations do.
On July 22nd, the SPCA took in eight unexpected cats and sent an opossum to a wildlife rehabber...all within three hours.
A volunteer was taking an SPCA dog for a walk when she heard tiny meows coming from the SPCA’s storage shed. Further investigation revealed three small kittens and their mother playing underneath. The mother and two of the kittens were easily caught and brought inside, out of the summer heat. (The third kitten evaded volunteers that day, but was caught two days later.)
Around the same time volunteers were catching kittens by the shed, a staff member received a phone call from a woman the SPCA has been helping to spay/neuter the cats in her barn. She moved a bale of hay and found five kittens! The staff member drove to the farm, put the young kittens in a carrier, and drove them to the SPCA.
They were infested with fleas. Staff and volunteers jumped in quickly to help. One at a time, each kitten received some SPCA TLC. One person bathed them while another picked fleas out of their fur. Then one person dried the kitten and another syringe fed them kitten formula after their baths.
As the kittens were being bathed and fed, someone found a young opossum on the SPCA’s front patio. Volunteers started calling around and made arrangements for a wildlife rehabber to pick up the opossum.
In addition to saving kittens and an opossum, our team sent home 57 pets to their forever home over the weekend! Talk about SUPER!
Summer is one of our busiest times of life-saving work, but often the time of year where we see fewer donations. Your donations are crucial to helping us through the summer. Consider giving a life-saving gift today online.
If you would like to make a donation to help us continue this life-saving work, click here.