The SPCA is happy to introduce Hershel, the 2018 SPCA Ambassador.

“He’s a cartoon.” That’s how Lauren, Hershel’s human, describes him. Spend just a little bit of time with this sweet, goofy boy (or read this blog to get to know him), and we think you’ll agree.

Hershel doesn’t know his size. He’s all legs and all about cuddling. He’ll fold up his long legs and curl his body around until he’s a perfect circle. His favorite game is keep-away. He’ll come up with a toy in his mouth and rest his chin on your knee. But you’re not allowed to actually touch the toy. If you reach for it, he’ll jump away so you can’t get it. Then he’ll come back and start the game all over again. Hershel has never met a stranger. He gets all excited if he hears a TV doorbell or knock on the door. He thinks someone came to see him.

Hershel’s life wasn’t always so happy. He was born with a deformed front right leg and was surrendered by his breeder to a local shelter because of the anticipated vet visits. The SPCA believed Hershel deserved better, and he was transferred to the SPCA so he could receive the care he needed.

Lauren and her boyfriend had talked about someday getting a Doberman, but by the time Lauren found out about Hershel, someone else was already interested in him. She got on the list to be a backup, in case the first person changed their mind. Luckily, that’s just what happened. As soon as Lauren and her boyfriend met Hershel, they were in love. They knew hey wanted to make him part of their family.

To give him a chance at a normal life, Hershel’s deformed leg was amputated. He was later diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder called von Willebrand's disease. Before he was adopted, Hershel had been to the vet several times and his bills with the SPCA's veterinary partners totaled more than $10,000 (and all before his first birthday).

Lauren fostered him until Hershel was healed and able to be adopted. Today, you’d never know he only has three legs. Lauren says he loves to run, jump, and play chase.

Hershel’s story is similar to many of the pets that make their way through the SPCA’s pet adoption program every year. Fortunately, donor support allows the SPCA to maintain a safety net for pets like Hershel who need medical care they may not be able to get elsewhere. He represents the happy endings we believe every pet deserves. As part of Hershel’s time as ambassador, he was featured in a special ad in Cary Magazine for the SPCA’s upcoming Fur Ball. He also received a photo session with InBetween the Blinks Photography and will have his portrait hung in the SPCA Pet Adoption Center lobby.

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